Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Oh, I've made myself wait for this one. All those nights out on the rose and then dozens of bottles of white with Madame Z and She Of The Handbag. Finally, I've come home to a lovely red. I didn't even drink at lunchtime and have held off cooking bangers and mash until I'm well in to this bottle.

Here goes, oh, the anticipation ...

La Chasse Du Pape Reserve / Cotes Du Rhone, France / 2004 /13.5%

It's a beauty: bright, clear and young. While relatively pale for a red, it is still ruby red in colour - like fresh blood.

Ripe cherries on the nose that open further post-swirl, maybe something a little earthy and a touch of spice?

Disappointment on the palate. Not a quaffing wine - needs food, I think. (God, I'm starving). It's dry, a bit acidic, low tannins, medium to long length. I am getting wood and spices followed by a ripening currant fruit. At £5.49, I really can't complain.


Blogger She de la Handbag said...

At least you got wood *sniggers*

1:55 AM  
Blogger ziggystardust73 said...

I was going to post a serious comment about how I think this wine is perfect for an after work slurp but I'm still snickering after 'handbags' comment...

7:49 AM  
Blogger mynameishenry said...

The 'reserve' may be fine. The 'tradition' is an appalling, coarse, tannic, cynical release. The 2006 effort that I had the misfortune to experience today was feasibly the most agressively rude vessel of wine I have experienced at this price/experience/interest point. Rubbish. Don't but it; don't cook with it.

7:26 AM  

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