Ah the dangerous love of wine ... what seems like wondrous nectar on the night which can be consumed by the vat without consequence ... then turns into satans wee the mroning after.
Thank god for a sensible Zuzula. When I slurred the proposition of having one last glass before time is called and we have to wend our way home, she wisely barked in horror, "Good god woman, are you mad?"
No honey, I was just a little thirsty;) This morning my head thanks you for your foresight. xx
Ah the dangerous love of wine ... what seems like wondrous nectar on the night which can be consumed by the vat without consequence ... then turns into satans wee the mroning after.
Thank god for a sensible Zuzula. When I slurred the proposition of having one last glass before time is called and we have to wend our way home, she wisely barked in horror, "Good god woman, are you mad?"
No honey, I was just a little thirsty;) This morning my head thanks you for your foresight.
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