Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Top Wine For A Skive?

If ever you want to skive off work by pulling a sickie, I would recommend sitting out on the balcony in the BURNING hot sun, watch the squirrels and neck some rose wine. It just so happens, that's what I'm doing today.

The wine:
Pasqua / Bardolino Chiaretto / 2003 / Italy / 12%

It's fresh, clean and light; an orangey pink colour and very pale on the rim. The nose is not at all intense, just a hint of citrus and berries (can't be more specific with the berries). The palate is fruity but again a bit non-descript ... maybe cherry? Perhaps a bit of oak?. It isn't very acidic but it is dry and light to medium bodied.

It has a surprisingly long length for a rose, and it's rather bitter and strangely cloying on the finish. It feels like you need to swish with a glass of water after each mouthful.

I think it's balanced and as the bottle is open, I would say that it is "ready to drink" and can't be kept a moment longer. At £5.99 (from a corner shop so expect a mark-up) it is of reasonable value and 'OK' in terms of quality.

I prefer the red variety from Pasqua, however.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Top Alcohol Brands

Essential market information for us wine bloggers ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Oh, I've made myself wait for this one. All those nights out on the rose and then dozens of bottles of white with Madame Z and She Of The Handbag. Finally, I've come home to a lovely red. I didn't even drink at lunchtime and have held off cooking bangers and mash until I'm well in to this bottle.

Here goes, oh, the anticipation ...

La Chasse Du Pape Reserve / Cotes Du Rhone, France / 2004 /13.5%

It's a beauty: bright, clear and young. While relatively pale for a red, it is still ruby red in colour - like fresh blood.

Ripe cherries on the nose that open further post-swirl, maybe something a little earthy and a touch of spice?

Disappointment on the palate. Not a quaffing wine - needs food, I think. (God, I'm starving). It's dry, a bit acidic, low tannins, medium to long length. I am getting wood and spices followed by a ripening currant fruit. At £5.49, I really can't complain.



I have a feeling that this bottle was a little further in to the evening!


SOAVE: La Badissa

Here are our wine notes from Friday 19th August ...


Okay so it sounds like the footballer's wife of the wine world. And perhaps it is... but it's absolutely delicious, as She of the Handbag and I discovered last night.

The nitty gritty
Oveja Negra, Casablanca Valley 2004
13.5 % (cheeky!) and £14.50 (ditto... but bar price)

very bright & clear
jewel like (says Handbag)
lemon/straw colour
youthful appearance
has legs

medium intensity
crisp green apples
slightly earthy
slight ripeness - maybe a hint of peach?

very dry
medium/long length
full bodied. heavy, quite mature
punchy, zesty
crisp green apples
almost spicy, peppery
balanced (naturally)

good value
could mature - but would soften with age and we like the punch it packs!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Crap wine note for a crap wine

Something or other Montrose.
The only rose on the menu at the Banana Cabaret.
Tastes of lager. Bleurgh:(

Monday, August 08, 2005

As new as it gets

And so ...

Pinot Grigio was the new Chardonnay
Rose is the new Pinot Grigio
Pinot Grigio Rose is the new Rose

... and I'm liking it ... a lot.

Particularly Cresci-Scritti Francesco Delle Venezie.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tasting notes: a nice summer wine

Zuzula and I indulged in a bottle chez nous last night and thought we'd write up a tasting note on a freebie bottle I was given, and so ...

The nitty gritty
Sauvignon Blanc
Deakin Estate 2004
12% (pah!)
Screw top (how very nouveau)

bright and clear (for a change)
pale (but I thought it had some depth to it so was edging towards pale-medium)
for colour I went for hay and Zuzula ponced on about winter sunshine - only joshing honey;)

dried papaya (another of Zuzula's - see above)
some apple?
tinned peaches
medium intensity
clean, some youth
swirling brings out flavours/aroma
lushness and some tropical notes (not sure if Zuze fully went with me on this)

zingy, fresh
some citrus fruits
crisp green apple
medium body
medium length

well balanced and quite good quality
not overly complex but pleasing
quaffable and easy drinking, a summer wine
ready to drink
slight syrupy aftertaste balances what could be too dry a wine

Which is all very good seeing as i've got another bottle in the fridge:)

Monday, August 01, 2005

a week without wine... a fucking miserable week my friends. don't try this at home kids!