Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Evil Zinfadel

So Monday night I headed off to the bright lights pub with Miss Maybe as our old favourite was full. We decided to go for the 'blush' on the menu. It was a White Zinfadel ... evil infidel more like. It was sickly sweet and as fortified as a port. We even had to tone it down with soda water. We didn't even finish the entire bottle. I have found my wine nemesis:(

On the Tuesday we went back and had 3 bottles of the Pinot Grigio. It was very nice:)


Blogger zuzula said...

i had some rather nice Pinot G last night... which I completely destroyed by having with a curry!

4:00 AM  
Blogger She de la Handbag said...

But the enjoyment was still there was it not:)

Though goodness knows what Q would say about the food matching ... food porn it ain't;)

4:44 AM  
Blogger Christopher D. Bate said...

I want MORE wine after reading this! In fact, I'm going to buy a load tonight.

5:56 AM  
Blogger Jon said...

Nothing wrong with port per se, I'm drinking some as I write this entry, however, any white wine that has even a hint of sweetness is awful, it really is.

Pinot G is a regular culprit, ocassionally good but often awful, curry is the best thing to eat with it, other than perhaps, pizza.

1:42 PM  

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