Monday, June 25, 2007

Shame of the shes

This is the roll call of shame from the Isle of Wight festival weekend. It was originally scrawled on the back of Zuzula's cheque but that was just too decadent to post (and also Zuzu wants to keep her finances intact ... or as intact as they can be).

1 bottle Sauvignon Blanc
1 bottle Pinot Grigio
1 large glass house white
1 vodka lime soda
1 SoCo and lemonade
4 SoCo and lemonades and 4 vodka lime sodas
1.5 bottles of Oyster Bay
8 mini bottles of white wine
2 vodka lime and sodas
2 vodka and cranberry
6 glasses of white wine
some red wine
some orange cocktail premix thing
2 pints of cider
1 bottle of Louis Dornier champagne
4 white wine mini bottles
1.5 glasses of beer
4 pints of cider
2 white wine mini bottles
3 red wine mini bottles
1 bottle of tattinger rose
1.5 glasses of beer (small)
1 bottle of beer
1 bottle of Colombard Sauvignon
2 bottles of Soave Classico
1 vodka lime and soda
1 SoCo and lemonade

(for pitys sake).

About time we had a new one and so ...

... I present:

Kaituna Hills
New Zealand
Marlborough 2006
Sauvignon Blanc (*clappy hands*)
13.0% (meh)

Its bright and clear and (what the hey) is reminiscent of pale winter sunshine.

The nose is full of gooseberry tart with a touch of pear drops.

Its dry with good acidity, zingy with crisp almost sour apples and gooseberry again. Long length (hallo).

All in all, it will do the trick nicely.