Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Cheat or be cheated

In order to combine our wine drinking with some more intellectual pursuits the Handbaggers went to a quiz night yesterday. After much debate and wrangling we managed to elect a team captain and secretary and eventually come up with a name. Then we were all set ... with our hopes firmly pinned on the £200 jackpot.

We stormed through the general knowledge round, the gemstone round (yes really) and the top ten. We scored nearly full points on the film round and there we were in second place with just the wipeout round to go. The wipeout round consisted of 10 questions, you got a point for each question and a bonus 5 points if you got all 10 questions right ... however if you got just one question wrong then all of your points got wiped out and you went back to zero!

Temperatures were rising with the excitement of it all (probably fuelled by the 7 bottles of vino consumed) and then we entered into a moral debate with 3 handbaggers wanting to play fairly and the other 3 wanting to utilise the help of their learned friends via texting and phone calls, essentially cheating. Moral highground won the day and so we lost, coming in third place but only 3.5 points behind the winner.

But then instead of just claiming the £200 jackpot, the winners had to choose one of four envelopes (each with a different prize) ... and so they won a £25 bar tab! They left so quickly that they didn't even bother to collect it. How harsh is that?!


Blogger MissesCee said...

Oh, that is horrible...I would be so pissed off!

8:06 AM  
Blogger She de la Handbag said...

I know! The only reason we chose that pub quiz was because of the size of the jackpot and because we are all sadly lacking drinking funds! Let that be a lesson to me not to be greedy;)

2:41 AM  
Blogger zuzula said...

i can't believe it. they should at least have offered to share the spoils before they swanned off!

2:51 AM  
Blogger She de la Handbag said...

Well we drowned our sorrows with another bottle of wine ... a vey nice colombard chardonnay h'actually.

Mind you 9 bottles between 6 isn't bad is it ... is it??? Heh heh;)

3:19 AM  

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