Weekend of joy
This weekend I went to the wedding of my beloved cousin. The day was gorgeous, she looked stunning and all was well.
Or nearly all ... as I am now the last of the girls in my family to be married I was expecting a little bit of grief at the wedding. I was, however, not quite prepared to be spinster sacrifice on the altar of wedded bliss.
It all began with the 'so are you courting yet' comments and the 'got yourself a little boyfriend yet' (stress is always placed on the 'yet' aspect of the question) which I deftly parried and laughed away with 'oh no not yet' ... however by the end of the day (and after answering this question 19 times - yes I did count) I had this final conversation with my Aunt C:
Aunt C: So, are you courting?
Me: No, not at the moment
Aunt C: No, special man in your life
Me: No theres not that many of them around a ha ha ha
Aunt C: ... Hm. Well you've still got time
Me: Yes, I ...
Aunt C: Well actually not that much time
Me: Eh?
Aunt C: Not much time really
At which point my Aunt H (mother of the bride) turns up
Aunt H: So ... are you courting yet?
Aunt C: No she's not
Aunt H: What no special man
Aunt C: No, noone at all
At which point my nan chips in
Nan: I'd like to see you settled before I go
Me: What? Go where??
Nan: I want to see you married before I die
Me: Well you're just going to have to live a few more years yet aren't you
Best bit is, both these aunts are divorced as both husbands ran off with younger women! Still it could have been worse, I could have been my gay cousin and his partner ... who were surrounded by comments made within earshot (loud enough to have been heard in Wimbledon) as to what a shame it was about the two nice looking lads who weren't interested in girls and they can't 'help what they are' and anyway, he always did like playing with dolls as a kid (accompanying by knowing looks).
families... don't you just love 'em. My cousin has started talking about me to random men she meets at work and in bars who she thinks might be marriage material! obviously she's realised that I'm utterly incapable of getting a boyfriend by myself. And the gutting thing is, she's absolutely right!
Thing is do you think they're maariage material?
Its always a real eye opener when your beloved family member/friend unveils a potential boyfriend for you ... and they're a total gimp!
Then you get the lecture about being too fussy and anyway you might 'grow to like them' ... jeez.
hah, yes, the whole 'are you really that shallow'? look they give you when you tell them you just don't fancy their choice of man for you.
Well yes, frankly, I am ;)
BTW have had another email from Mr Friday Night. It would appear he still hasn't got the message!
Well perhaps the 'I'll snog you but then tell you I'm not interested' signals have confused him;)
Bless the persistent one!
Also on the shallow front, remember the grief you gave me after the whole 'slag tag' man incident just because you thought I was rejecting him on looks alone!
When I was talking to Lady Miss K this weekend I was trying to insit that I was still young enough to want the whole lust/wuthering heights romance rather than just settling for Brian from Accounts because he's got a stable job.
She wasn't at all convinced and decided I was being too 'picky' and then decided to try and set me up with the barmen ... every single one of them. When this failed she then reckoned the bar manager was more my thing, after all I'm materialistic/snobbish like that! Bless my sister;)
we've all been there honey... at least I didn't then pack him off on the train to southampton ;)
Love your sister's style - she's got the right idea!
Pack him off on a train to Southampton ... you're not by any chance referring to an incident that happened nearly two years ago?? Anyway at least I didn't make him get off the bus in the middle of nowhere all the while protesting that actually it was his stop;)
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