On the edge of 32 ...
So in the last few minutes of my 32nd year, I join the ranks of the 'bloggers'. It's a strange and interesting world - especially the 'We Love Wine' blog but I'm pleased and honoured to be able to contribute ...
Parents are curious creatures - it's official. Visitation rights were granted last weekend in order for them ('the parents') to bring my birthday card. They know full well that I'm (almost) strictly a red wine drinker but decided to bring me two bottles of ROSE wine anyway. Now, I know rose is the in thing - at least it was LAST summer - but why on earth did they decide to purchase rose from their local Tesco superstore? Anyway, who's grumbling? As a wine lover, it is essential that I broaden my rose wine drinking repertoire. Without further ado, I give you wine notes for (ta-ta-ta ...)
Valley Oaks Syrah Rose / 2004 / 13.5% / Fetzger Vineyards / California
Surprisingly enough (not) it IS bright and clear and ... er ... pale to mid pink in colour.
It's young and 'clean' with low to medium intensity on the nose. I got a snoutful of youthful fruitiness (raspberries) and a whoosh of strawberries on the palate (sadly, I didn't get wood tonight but I'll find a way of solving that particular issue).
This wine was quite drying on the finish and after the entire bottle, I felt the need to have a glass of water to prevent my tongue from sticking to the roof of my mouth.
That said, I am extremely pleased to say that it is BALANCED.
For the wine geeks out there, the closure is a screw top. At first I thought "tight parents, a cheap bottle of plonk" but then I remembered that screwtops are the way forward. The label reads that "screwcaps are ideal for this style of wine to preserve its fresh fruit flavour just as the wine maker intended".
Phew ... we can all sleep easy.
As we pass midnight, I'm not so pleased to confess that it is the last bottle of wine of my 32nd year ...
Happy birthday! Glad you saw out the year in style. And well done your parents for having their fingers on the pulse with rose in a screw top! I'm lucky if mine have thought to put the Jacobs Creek chardonnay in the fridge before serving it ;)
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