Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's Mateus Rose!

Mateus Rose. Isn't that wine in the same league as Black Tower and Liebfraumilch? I always thought so too. What with the funny squat, round-bellied bottle ... and it's ROSE for fuck's sake. Surely one is supposed to sneer?

Anyway, thanks Mum and Dad (again), bottle of rose here I come.

Mateus Rose / Portugal / 11%

First impression: as I released the cork, it fizzed. Mmmmm *scratching head*.

Guess what ... bright and clear. Unsurprisingly, it's pale pink in colour and getting paler on the rim. I'm getting a citrusy, fruity whack - almost elderflower - on the nose followed by strawberries, maybe even a bit of body odour (the fairground pikey type). The wine has legs too but that might be due to the slightly dirty glass. And the palate? Ripe pears, pear drops even, a little bit acidic but very nice on the finish. Yes, it IS balanced.

Oh my God, not only am I drinking and enjoying rose wine ... it's Mateus!!


Blogger zuzula said...

oh my god. you'll be telling me Blue Nun is underrated before too long! ;)

3:44 AM  
Blogger She de la Handbag said...

My parents are big fans of Mateus Rose!

Ah how I remember the balmy days of my childhood as dad opened the bizzarely shaped bottle of rose and he and my mum got steadily more pissed as the day progressed, whilst my nan was 'squidgey' by 3pm and asleep on the sofa. Explains a lot really.

Another nice rose (should you be tempted to forgo the red, Nick!) is the Blossom hill White Zinfadel ... very fruity.

4:10 AM  

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